

Who's that girl?

I'm Rhea Manocha, a UX designer & researcher. I'm currently studying at Purdue for my BS in UX Design. Feel free to shoot me a message!

I should say that "I craft beautiful, usable experiences." But in reality, most of my time is spent doing work that's messy, iterative, and collaborative. Plus snack breaks. The real beauty is in that process.


Listening to my latest playlist on repeat. Taking photos. Planning my next adventure. Eating something new. Reading.


Incoming at Microsoft. Dark patterns research at UXP2. Improving an ME course website experience for MEERCat. Learning about cross-functional work at Pivotal. Teaching about design strategies at OIRAE. Interaction and visual design for the Zero Systems MVP.


Creating HackXD, a design-development hackathon at Purdue.

Launching the Purdue UX Medium series.